

想象你在海面30米下潜水。环顾四周,你被五颜六色的鱼群和其它各种美妙的海洋生物包围着。你用一点时间来享受这令人窒息的美景。 我们的海洋不仅美丽,而且是地球生命的辅助系统。它为数十亿人类提供食物和收入,调节我们的气候和环境,也提供我们呼吸所需要的一半的氧气。 我们的未来与海洋的未来密不可分。我们的子孙们的健康和才赋也取决于我们海洋的健康和生产力。但是,我们的海洋正陷入困境。我们一直过量捕鱼,释放大量污染,并摧毁了一直在保护和维护我们的海洋和沿海生态系统。有预测显示,到2050年,海洋中塑料废物的重量将等同于海中鱼类的总重量。一只90天大的海鸥体内曾发现了276件塑料制品。只需一个人就能毁掉一个生态系统,夺走一条生命。因此我们必须保护海洋和海岸生态系统,让它们成为庇护生物多样性的天堂,以抵抗气候变化。现在就行动起来!加入我们,让我们的下一代能够继续享受地球家园上这片壮观、富饶、美丽的海洋。加入我们,打造未来一个更加健康富有生命力的海洋。

Imagine yourself scuba diving 30 meters beneath the Ocean’s surface. You look around to find yourselfsurrounded by colorful schools of fish as well as many other exotic ocean animals. You take a moment toappreciate the breathtaking view. Our ocean is not only beautiful, but is also the planet’s life supportsystem. It provides food and income for billions of people, regulates our climate and weather, and alsogenerates half the oxygen we breathe. Our future is inextricably linked to the future of our ocean. Thehealth and prosperity of our children and their children depend upon the health and productivity of ourocean. However, our ocean is in trouble. We have been taking out too many fish, adding too muchpollution, and destroying the very marine and coastal ecosystems that protect and sustain us. Predictionshows that by 2050, there will be as much plastic as there is fish in the ocean by weight. The record is 276pieces of plastic inside of one 90 day old chick. It only takes one person to destroy an ecosystem. To takea life. Therefore, we must protect coastal and marine ecosystems so they can be safe havens forbiodiversity and buffers against climate change. Now is the time to act! Join us, so that our futuregenerations can enjoy the bounty and beauty of this spectacular blue ocean-covered planet we call home.Join us, so that our legacy can provide a healthy and productive ocean for a more prosperous future.

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