

Karen woods投書在主流英文媒体 (倾保守派) National Post 的文章。 她表示,十几年来 无论是自由党 或者是保守党政府, 都不能够很好的拿捏和中国的关系。

她認為,加中关系不应该只建立在意识形态上的差异, 而更应该在贸易关系上做到 确实能创造就业 税收 相互合作。 而不是对中国的任何投资都鲁莽的一刀砍。

As NAFTA talks drag on and tariff wars escalate, the consequences of a prolonged trade dispute with the U.S. don’t look good for Canada. In the bleakest scenario, our country could face a recession.

But it need not be this way. As Donald Trump embraces an increasingly isolationist approach on trade, Canada needs to look to the Asia Pacific for additional investment and economic cooperation.

China’s Belt and Road initiative could offer a way to weather the storm. This initiative has been central to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s foreign policy since he became leader in 2012 and is the People’s Republic most ambitious foreign policy ever. It basically involves China underwriting billions of dollars of infrastructure investment in countries along the old Silk Road linking it with Europe.

But, as outlined by President Xi in his opening speech at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in 2017, other countries can get involved. “The Belt and Road initiative (…) focuses on the Asian, European and African continents, but is also open to all other countries. All countries, from either Asia, Europe, Africa or the Americas, can be international cooperation partners of the Belt and Road initiative. The pursuit of this initiative is based on extensive consultation and its benefits will be shared by us all,” he said.

The scale of the initiative is enormous. A report by Baker McKenzie pegs its worth at US$350 billion over the next five years. Outside of China, just 10 markets (out of 60 plus) account for two thirds of the projected investments, and are predicted to offer significant new commercial opportunities for local and foreign partners in the immediate future.


作者:Karen Woods


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