REDKEY【 红馆】音啊灯光舞台制作公司,将于今年5月5日在万锦宴会中心(Markham Event Center)擧办一埸《红乐夜》晚会,并为病医院筹款。昨(22日)中午在”紫紫金宴”召开记者会,介绍详情。
记者会由美姿舍严晓媚主持,她介绍了本次演出的乐队监制:陈伟强(Gordan Chan)女歌手:廖尹翎(Lauren Liu)女歌手:邱嘉玲(Kanna Qiu = Lady Kaka ),并呼吁各界能鼎力支持,希望能为病童医院筹得一万元善款。
廖尹翎 (Lauren Liu) 拥有加拿大皇家音乐学院教师级文凭及皇家音乐学院颁发认可 教师执照,在多伦多教授钢琴超过十五年。Lauren 热爱歌唱, 她在 2010年 ACEM 中文诗歌创作比赛夺得最佳台风演绎奖,2015年北约克音乐节流行歌曲赛组夺得歌 唱冠军。此外,于 2016 年加拿大Fairchild 中文电台举办的 岁月留声Golden Oldies 怀旧金曲歌唱大赛中,更勇夺最佳演绎奖, 及全场总冠军。及后,Lauren经常被邀 请出席加大拿Fairchild 中文电台各大型节目包括周年晩宴、 二十周年台庆、中文 歌曲创作比赛作表演嘉宾。Lauren 亦活跃于教会及社区服务机构,包括香港媒体 绿洲、角声使团及恩雨之声等,在其活动中参与演出。Lauren于2015年加入由曾任 香港艺人黎明音乐总监陈伟强Gordon Chan领导的Redkey乐队,成为其中一位主音 歌手及和唱, 参与各项演唱会及大型演出活动,包括与香港歌手吕珊、陈浩徳丶苏永康同台演出及合唱。
Redkey Producer and Band Director
Gordon Chan(陈伟强)
Gordon Chan, is a renowned and one of the top professional drummers in Hong Kong music industry. Gordon was the designated session drummer for many international music record companies such as WEA, EMI, BMG, Polygram, CBS-Sony, Cinepoly, Capital, and Universal.
Gordon was involved in a lot of important recording sessions and concert performances in the 80’s and 90’s.
Before settling down in Toronto, Gordon has previously performed for a lot of famous artists in a lot of places outside of Hong Kong, including Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, Japan,Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, New Zealand, Taiwan, Korea, and China. His professional experience in both domestic and worldwide concerts will provide outstanding band performance and AV production tailored to any event.
Gordon is now a drum teacher in Toronto.