谢秀贞(Elsa Hsieh)被主流媒体提名“2019音乐艺术奖杰出人才”


多伦多主流媒体-湖滨杂志(TheWaterfront Magazine)提名华人艺术家-谢秀贞(Elsa Hsieh)为“2019音乐艺术奖杰出人才”候选人。

多伦多市湖滨杂志近年挖掘了非常多社会的精英分子。谢秀贞表示,她能够被关注或提名非常欣慰!同时觉得自己有责任为我们的华人争光。 如果大家觉得她这几年她所致力的音乐奉献值得被鼓励。她将非常感谢大家能在大家的朋友圈或是群里鼓励朋友打开链接的最下面给她的 + 号投上一票。 无论当选与否,她对华人音乐走向主流仍然初心不变。



谢秀贞女士毕业于英国伯明翰音乐学院. 主修钢琴演奏及教学. 副修长笛和大提琴. 1988 获英国威尔斯Tystysgrif 钢琴决赛第一名. 1990年, 谢秀贞移居加拿大多伦多. 加入远东广播公司广播员一职,制作自己的音乐节目《百合的世界》。


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同时,成立谢秀贞音乐工作室. 教学无数. 学生屡在钢琴大赛中得头奖并获省立奖学金. 同时积极参与社区音乐活动。除此之外, 谢秀贞女士固定举办学生及个人音乐会, 每一场座无虚席, 并获密市前市长在2004年亲临音乐会并特颁音乐贡献奖。

曾担任教会诗班指挥及司琴长达20多年之久, 并任命2007全多伦多圣乐布道总指挥一职, 广受好评. 近年来谢秀贞女士担任若干知名社区合唱团指挥, 脚步遍布各城市. 其中西文化背景优势及曾是音乐节目播音制作人的经验, 被所有不同文化人士关注并支持。


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2016年, 谢秀贞创立魅力视射音乐. 起源合唱组织, 后又融入专业乐器组及有名的魅力和声男生组并参与无数中西文化团体演出, 尤以加拿大150年的多次中西团体演出最为叫好. 另外, 基于对公益慈善事业的负担, 谢秀贞用音乐专业背景善用在结合社区活动, 其中的慈善《金天使》演出更是受St. Paul’s 及颐康老人院爱戴. 2017年3月, 谢秀贞女士任命加拿大主流杰出妇女协会中西文化交流之亲善大使。

同时也是Absolutely Fabulous Women 及Dancing Damsels 的艺术得奖者. 又在2018年及2019 年两度被多伦多主流媒体Waterfront Magazine 再次提名音乐艺术奖杰出人才. 谢秀贞女士除了在音乐上的专注,是许多音乐会的节目主持人。


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主持风格自由清新幽默! 反应敏捷, 双语流利. 也曾任教列治文橡树岭儿童合唱团&密市简妮儿童合唱团教师一职. 目前除担任多伦多国际杰人会副会长, 魅力视射音乐艺术总监及合唱团指挥和伴奏,新天地艺术团团长兼指挥,Beauty of Asia 形象顾问, 同时也是21世纪地产全职特优的地产经纪. 谢秀贞于2019年被联邦选举筹款晚宴钦点为艺术总监。

Elsa Hsieh studied both piano performing and teaching at Birmingham Conservatoire, UK. She was awarded 1st prize in the Wales Tystysgrif piano competition in 1988. Since then her students from her own music studio have won scholarships in the music festivals.

Her full house concert events received high praise from the Mayor of the City and was presented with the recognition of music contribution award in 2004 at her ” One Moment In Time ” concert. Elsa has also been contributing her time towards conducting choirs and was selected as the mass choir conductor in the 2007 Toronto Evangelical Crusade.


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Elsa was the awardee for both Absolutely Fabulous Women & Dancing Damsels in 2017 and currently an ambassador of AFW. Elsa also formed her Dolce De Soleil Music group which has performed in many multicultural events including Canada 150, St. Paul’s senior home , YeeHong senior home fund-raising concert, Hamilton symphony orchestra and the entertainment director for 2019 federal election fund-raising dinner gala .

Elsa Hsieh was the MC of Beauty of Asia 10th gala event as well as the image consultant working with the past beauty winners. Her 2018 successful performance in a Markham Chinese gala concert was highly complimented by the Markham Mayor and was broadcast via TV media to China.

Her ” Night of Stars ” concert had reached to a climax for the instrumentalists, solo singers and band with wide range of repertoires both in Chinese and diversity Western cultures.

Elsa Hsieh is the music director for the Xin Tian Di Culture Centre , Jia Hua culture centre and President of the Signature Divine Group. Elsa was the beauty consultant as well as the master ceremony for the 10th gala event of Beauty of Asia and also the vice president of Distinguished Citizens Society of Toronto. Elsa is a full-time realtor in Century 21 Green Realty with outstanding achievements.

Besides all the concert events, Elsa’s Dolce De Soleil Music has also done a lot of charity concerts for several senior homes during Christmas seasons and all shows were very well received by the different organizations. Elsa is now working on the future events including West Ontario concert in Mississauga Living Arts Centre , September Dragon Festival in Totonto City Hall as well Multicultural bridal show later this fall.


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