




日前,由沈晨(Jake Shen),AdamSteven Boni和Alexander Morris三位优秀刑事律师联袂创立的BONI律师事务所正式成立了!Boni律师事务所是一个双语事务所,可以用中英双语向大家提供法律服务。










On May 8, 2018, Ms. Meng attended the Supreme Court in British Columbia for the purpose of his committal hearing. During Ms. Meng’s court appearance, her legal representatives raised several potential issues: double criminality, reliability of the evidence offered by the US and Canadian Charter of Rightsand Freedoms violations. Today, lawyers from Boni & Company will discussed the strength and weakness in each of the three issues.


2018年5月8日,孟晚舟女士出席不列颠哥伦比亚省最高法院对其进行引渡交付听证会。在孟女士出庭期间,她的代表律师提出了几个潜在的问题: 双重犯罪、加拿大执法部门在逮捕孟女士过程中可能存在的侵犯《加拿大人权和自由宪章》的地方。今天,BONI联合律师事务所的沈律师将和大家讨论一下这三个问题。


With respect to the double criminality issue, the double criminality rule is conduct‑based. It is not necessary that the Canadian offence described in the authority to proceed or the committal order to “match” the foreign offence for which the person is sought or surrendered in name or in terms ofits constituent elements; it is the essence of the offence that is important under the conduct‑based approach. In other words, it isnot necessary for the US criminal offence to have a corresponding Canadian criminal offence with the same offence name. It is also not necessary for a corresponding Canadian criminal offence to have the exact same elements of offence.  All that is required is whether it can be established that the fugitive’s conduct constituted the listed offence in both Canadaand the US. Once this requirement issatisfied the double criminality is met. So, it is my opinion that the double criminality in Mrs. Meng’s case is not whether Mrs. Meng violated US sanction againstIran. The double criminality shouldbe whether Mrs. Meng’s conduct of intentionally misrepresenting facts to abank, and caused the bank to be exposed to financial risk. In other words, itis whether Mrs. Meng committed fraud as opposed to whether Mrs. Meng violated a US sanction againstIran.




In a media release, Huawei’s spokesperson raised an issue that the allegation against Mrs. Meng was simply nottrue. However, an extradition committal hearing is not a criminal trial. The extradition judge is limited to determining whether the evidence submitted atthe committal hearing reveals conduct that would justify committal for trial in Canada for the crime listedin the authority to proceed, if the crime had occurred in Canada. The judge’s role does not include any review of the foreign law. If the extradition judge concludes that the impugned conduct wouldamount to a criminal offence in Canadian law, the person sought must becommitted for extradition. Overall, the extradition judge’s evaluation of evidence is a restrained view of the rolein assessing the reliability of evidence. The extradition judge’s starting pointis that the requesting state’s certified evidence is presumptively reliable. This presumption may only be rebutted by showing fundamental inadequacies or frailties in the material relied on by the requesting state. It is only wherethe evidence supporting committal is so defective or appears so unreliable thatit would be dangerous or unsafe to act on it that the extradition judge is justified in refusing committal on this basis. So, as we can see, the threshold to rebut the presumption of evidence being reliable at the committal stage is very high. So,unless Mrs. Meng’s lawyer can present strong evidence that can significantly undermine the reliability of the evidence proffered by the US, the evidence will be treated asreliable. A simple claim of the allegation of untrue will not suffice.




Regarding the Charter violations, it is possible that the CBSA or RCMP detained Mrs. Meng atthe border in a manner that was in violation of section 9 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which protects an individual from arbitrary detention. If so, it is likely that the Canadian law enforcement agencies subsequently violated Mrs. Meng’s section 10 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which would have entitled Mrs. Meng to be informed the reason of herdetention or arrest and her rights to a counsel. However, the facts surrounding how Mrs. Meng was detained and arrested were scarce. Therefore, it is very difficult to assess whether Mrs. Meng’s Charter rights were violated. To compound the matter further, an individual’s Charter rights protections were reduced in a border-crossing context. For example, an individual may be stopped by a law enforcement officer for a lengthy period of time at the border without being considered to be detained for the purpose of section 9 and 10 of the Charter. Hence, it is critical for Ms. Meng’s lawyer to discover what exactly transpired at the time when Mrs. Meng was at the Canadian border. Even if Mrs. Meng’s Charter rights were violated, the nextquestion is whether the violations are egregious enough to stay the proceeding.





BONI律师事务所是由Adam Steven Boni律师, Alexander Morris律师 和Jake Shen律师组成的多伦多专业辩护律师联合团队,他们专门为面临刑事,规管条例和职业违规诉讼的个人及公司提供法律辩护服务。
216 Heath Street West, unit 4
Toronto ON
M5P 1N7
沈晨律师 Jake Shen

24小时电话: (647)390-1131邮箱:jake.shen@11d.ca沈晨毕业于Osgoode Hall法学院。他精通中英双语,主要致力于刑法辩护。他是一位有着丰富实战经验和专业知识的律师,在成为律师之前,他有着将近十年的警察工作经验,并且他还有在安大略省司法部下的警察违纪审查主任办公室的工作经验。 这些经验使他对刑事辩护有着罕有的特别见解,也熟知警察及检控官在办案及检控中的思维方式。所有的经历使得沈晨律师有了一个特殊的视角:他可以有效的发现警方是否在办案时通过不正当的手段获得了决定案件的关键证据,同时沈律师也能有效的发现警察在办案的过程中是否有隐瞒或夸大证据的情况,并且根据这些发现构建最有效的辩护策略。
Adam Steven Boni 律师

24小时电话:(416)873-0510邮箱:defence@adamboni.comAdam Steven Boni毕业于Osgoode Hall法学院。他从事法律辩护工作以超过25年。在Adam成为安大略省律师协会会员之后,他被加拿大司法部聘为联邦检控官。期间,他获得了警察机构执法和司法部在对不同案件起诉程序中所使用的不同策略的宝贵经验。同时Adam也在陪审团审判和上诉方面获得了非常丰富的经验,特别是在大型和复杂案件方面。自1999年离开联邦司法部自己执业以来,Adam接手的客户中有面临多种不同的指控,包括一级谋杀,蓄意谋杀,合谋犯罪,危险驾驶导致死亡,枪支犯罪,性犯罪,暴力袭击,金融犯罪和盗窃,以及各种毒品类的指控,(如拥有,贩运,进口和生产)等方面。也正是这些经验,使得Adam拥有丰富的辩护经验。
Alex Morris 律师

24小时电话:(416)899-6717邮箱:morris@atmdefence.comAlex Morris主要从事刑事,宪法和监管条例违规方面的诉讼。他有着多次成功辩护各种刑事指控的经验。他曾代表客户处理过许多严重且错综复杂的案件,其中包括谋杀,致命驾驶,以及帮派及枪支类的刑事案件。自从Alex成为执业律师以来,他在安大略省省法院和高等法院审判方面获得了非常丰富的经验。同时,他也是安大略省律师协会,刑事律师协会和多伦多律师协会的成员。

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