联邦参议员胡子修(Ⅴictor Oh)在推特发文,对加拿大知名摇滚歌手亚当斯(Bryan Adams)不满音乐会被因疫情被迫取消,在社交媒体上发表涉及种族歧视的煽动性粗暴言论,造成华裔和亚裔的潜在伤害,作出强烈谴责!
参议员胡子修(Ⅴictor Oh)推文
我对最近加拿大音乐偶像之一布莱恩·亚当斯(Bryan Adams)针对亚裔发表的歧视言论深感失望。
— 广告 这道防线绝不失手 —
— 谨慎解封,消毒洗手液新冠病毒的最后一道防线 —
I am profoundly disappointed by the recent anti-Asian comments by one of Canada’s cherished musical icon, Bryan Adams.
Frequently an inspirational source of love, peace and harmony, Mr. Adams’ shameful rant instead demonstrated and perpetuated unwarranted anti-Asian sentiments unbecoming of this Canadian icon.
This is not our Canadian way. While this country and the rest of the world deal with the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is now more important than ever to fuel positivity and create an anthem of unity and hope rather than dispense inflammatory and hateful rhetoric. Reminder Mr. Adams: we are all in this together.
全加华人协进会社会公益署理吴婷婷(Amy Go)亦谴责亚当斯。