6月11日 多伦多大学公共卫生学院与华人社区信息交流会
多伦多大学共卫生学院 (Dalla Lana School of Public Health, DLSPH) 成立于 1927 年,是世界顶尖的公卫学院之一。DLSPH 拥有六个部门、八个研究所/中心和近 900 名教职员工,是加拿大最大的公共卫生学院。
多伦多大学公共卫生学院院长, 安省新冠疫情控制顾问委员会共同主席Adalsteinn Brown 教授
DLSPH囊括世界知名教授及专家, 致力于培养下一代科学家、教育工作者和从业者,为加拿大及国际社会建立良好的公共卫生教育及服务体系。目前,DLSPH 为 1000 多名国内外学生提供 20 多个各种博士、硕士、公共卫生硕士、及医学住院医师课程。
DLSPH 的愿景是建立并发展公共卫生系统学习、研究和服务的领先模式,为全球的公共卫生事业做出贡献, 并期待与社区和社区组织合作,共同为人口健康带来积极影响。
自新冠疫情爆发以来, 加拿大华人社区的积极参与对建立和维持应急公共卫生系统起到了至关重要的作用。DLSPH 非常期待与华人社区交流及合作,共同建设一个更美好、更健康的加拿大。
若您对DLSPH的申请和教研感兴趣, 希望与来自于DLSPH的专家及学生代表讨论当前公共卫生热点, 或是想了解关于华人社区与DLSPH的合作机会, 请于6月11日晚8时准时参与DLSPH与华人社区的zoom线上交流会.
4) 申请医学院与公共卫生学院有和不同
多伦多大学公共卫生学院 (Dalla Lana School of Public Health)
北美华人健康协会 (Centre for New Immigrants Wellbeing, CNIW)
加拿大中国高校校友会联合会(Confederation of Chinese Alumni Assoications, CCAA)
时间:2021年6月11日晚8:00-9:30 (多伦多时间)
Zoom ID: 822 9350 7688
Password: 12345
登录方式1: 扫描以下二维码
登录方式2: 复制粘贴以下网址到网站浏览器
Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH) at the University of Toronto, which was founded in 1927, is one of the top Public Health Schools in the world.
DLSPH was home for 50 years to Connaught Laboratories, a manufacturer of vaccines, insulin, and many other pharmaceutical products. DLSPH, which has six divisions, eight institutes/centres, and close to 900 faculty is the largest school of public health Canada.
DLSPH’s world-renowned experts are committed to training the next generation of scientists, educators and practitioners who will shape healthier societies in Canada and around the world.
Currently, DLSPH offers more than 20 various PhD, MSc, MPH, medical residency programs to more than 1000 domestic and international students.
DLSPH’s vision is to be the leading model for public health and health systems learning, research and service, with impact at local and global levels. Collaborating with communities and community-based organizations to bring positive impact for population health.
Chinese Canadians are integral part of Canada, and DLSPH welcomes opportunities to work with Chinese communities to build a better and healthier Canada together.