参议员胡子修脸书发文 铭记华人反思「排华法案」和平集会


联邦参议员胡子修(Victor Oh)7日在脸书上发表对众多华人纪念排华法案100周年活动感言。全文如下:




—   广告   —

—  大洋海产 加拿大的急冻海鲜先锋  —

我想回应原住民参议员Mary Jane McCallum和总理Justin Trudeau的留言,他们对排华法案的可耻遗产表示遗憾,并再次承诺从过去的错误中吸取教训。

但我强调,我们可以共同打击种族主义和各种形式的宽容、仇恨和歧视,为子孙后代建设一个更强大、更包容、更公平的加拿大。是的,我们不应该沉湎于过去,但我们必须从中吸取教训。“ 不从历史中吸取教训的人注定要重蹈覆辙”

—   广告   —

— 大筌国际最赞的黑豆酱油 —

—   广告   —

—    轻松传媒活动策划    —



What took place on June 24 2023 afternoon at the parliament hill is something I will cherish and remember for the rest of my life. I was so moved and perhaps shed a few drops of tears when I saw more than 3000 Chinese Canadians from Vancouver to Nova Scotia gathered together in a peaceful rally with unshakeable solidarity and unity to commemorate the 100 years anniversary of the chinese exclusion act. It may be the biggest Chinese rally ever taken place in Canada.

This peaceful rally served as a reminder of the racism and prejudice that many of our fellow Canadians have faced throughout history, and we should never allow this dark chapter in our nation’s history to repeat itself.

I would like to echo the messages from the indigenous senator Mary Jane McCallum and prime minister Justin Trudeau who expressed regret on this shameful legacy of the chinese exclusion act and recommit to learning from the mistakes of the past, but stressed together we can fight against racism and all forms of tolerance , hate and discrimination to build a stronger , more inclusive, and more equitable Canada for future generations. Yes , we should not dwell too much about the past but we must learn from it. “ those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it”

While we commemorate this unpleasant Century mark, we must call upon every citizen irrespective of colour, race and religion to remember and uphold the policies and spirit enshrined in the charter of rights and freedom and the multiculturalism act, for a just , fair, equitable, inclusive , tolerant , respectful and peaceful Canada free of violence, bigotry, bias and prejudice.

Remember the strength of canada lies in its diversity.
Finally I would like to thank the organizers Ottawa Chinese Community and all the Canadian Chinese communities who came all the way to participate in this memorable event.


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