Senator Victor Oh Reflects on Unforgettable Moments in His Career During Special Interview Event

On June 7, 2024, the Canadian Multicultural Media Alliance organized a special interview event at the Canadian Senate where Senator Victor Oh worked in Ottawa. This interview was a tribute to Victor Oh’s upcoming retirement, and also a summary and evaluation of his many years of work in the Senate.

This is our interview with our Senator Victor Oh

Senator Victor Oh Provides an In-Depth Overview of the Senate’s History, Functions, and Daily Operations (Journalist: ShengJi Editor)


ShengJi:  Throughout your career what were your most unforgettable moments or challenges?

Senator Victor Oh: One unforgettable event occurred in 2014 when terrorists entered the building in the Center Block. It is a day that I will always remember—October 22nd, 2014, at 10:00 in the morning—when a terrorist came into the building, firing guns. At that time, I was with the Prime Minister in a caucus meeting with all the Conservative members, just in the room where the terrorist ran past, firing gunshots. This is probably one of the most memorable events of my career as a senator.

Senator Victor Oh Emphasizes the Importance of Multiculturalism and Equal Rights in Legislation (Journalist: ShengJi )

ShengJi:  In the role of a senator, what aspect do you think future Senators need to continue focusing on and working towards to?

Senator Victor Oh:I believe that for every senator, regardless of their background, the most important consideration when evaluating any legislation should be the best interest of Canada. It is essential to remember that Canada is a country made up of multiculturalism and diversity. Therefore, all decisions should take into account the best interests of all races and communities who have come to Canada. We should have equal rights and an equal voice, and we should not face discrimination. Our rights should be upheld just as those of anyone else, as set out in the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Senator Victor Oh took journalists from the Canadian Multicultural Alliance on a tour of the Senate, explaining its history, function and daily operations. (Journalist: ShengJi )

ShengJi:  How do you view the future of Canadian politics?

Senator Victor Oh:I believe we are a young country, and the future of our politics will be determined by how Parliament evolves. As you know, we elect a new Parliament every four years. Therefore, it is crucial for all of us to be mindful and deliberate about the direction Canada will take from here. I think we lack a clear long-term vision. I wish we could set specific goals for the next 5 to 10 years and maintain them consistently, regardless of changes in government, to prevent our objectives from going off track.

Senator Victor Oh Reflects on His Senate Career and Announces Upcoming Retirement (Journalist: ShengJi)

ShengJi: After retirement, do you have any plans?

Senator Victor Oh:After retirement, I plan to continue working in public affairs and diplomacy related to parliamentary matters. Additionally, I believe it is essential to continue advocating for the Asian community in Canada, as this will be my priority

Senator Victor Oh’s Colleagues Express Gratitude and Best Wishes for His Retirement (Journalist: ShengJi

ShengJi:  Do you have anything to say to your supporters and colleagues?

Senator Victor Oh:I would like to express my gratitude to my colleagues in the Senate and Parliament who have supported me over the past 11 and a half years. It has been a pleasure working with all of you. I would also like to extend my thanks to everyone I have worked with every day here on Parliament Hill, including the Parliamentary Protective Service (PPS). They are crucial in ensuring that we work in a safe environment and are well protected. Additionally, I want to acknowledge the clerks in each committee and in the Senate for their vital role in assisting senators to work more effectively. Their support enables us to continue doing our best for our country. Thank you.

The Canadian Multicultural Media Alliance interview team took a group photo with Senator Victor Oh

(Team leader: Wang Hong, interviewer: Wang Lan, writer: Sun Ling, videographer and photographer: Wang Miaomiao, Lin Shengji, Lv Tong, Xu Jing, logistics: Li Shuliang)

EASY MEDIA’s Journalist: ShengJi Editor