The second episode of “Happy Life of Canadian Elderly” was successfully filmed, and the elderly showed their elegance and vitality

At 4 pm on August 8, the second shooting event of “Happy Life of Canadian Elderly” hosted by the Digital Media Association of Canada (DMDAC) came to a successful conclusion at the outdoor venue in Unionville. This event not only demonstrated the vitality and creativity of the elderly group, but also brought full joy and touching in a warm and comfortable environment.

The smooth holding of this event is inseparable from the strong support of Lawyer Yan and Teacher Jian. They generously provided the venue for this shooting, and carefully prepared three weeks in advance to build a spacious pergola. The pergola is very warm and provides shade and windproof, providing a comfortable summer environment for elderly friends in the hot summer.

A cozy corner under the pergola

The layout of the entire venue is full of home warmth, and the exquisite tables, chairs and decorations make the elderly friends feel like they are back home here. Exquisite tableware and vases are placed on the table, which increases the warmth of the entire venue. The layout of the venue not only takes into account the comfort of the elderly friends, but also provides them with parasols and fans, so that every elderly person present can feel cool and comfortable in the hot summer.

Under the pergola, the elderly friends chatted and communicated easily, sharing each other’s life stories, and the scene was filled with laughter. The volunteers were always concerned about the needs of every elderly person, providing them with thoughtful services to ensure that everyone had a pleasant afternoon at the event.

Two young hosts opened the event

Caring Merchant Lawyer Yan said in his speech that he hopes to bring love and warmth to the elderly by providing venues and support

Caring business U-ART Studio Teacher Jian gave a warm speech, allowing every elderly person to feel the care of the community in a comfortable environment

A representative of VIVA Home, a caring merchant, gave a brief speech, expressing his care for the elderly and the hope to bring them warmth and happiness by giving them gifts.

The story “Practicing Qigong” is about the experiences of a group of elderly people. In the story, a fake Qigong master claims that he can cure all diseases with Qigong, and even persuades the elderly that they don’t need to take medicine when they are sick, and can be cured by his “magical Qigong”. The elderly who believed it spent a lot of money to buy his “secret method” and relied entirely on Qigong to cure their diseases. However, as time went by, the health of these elderly people became worse and worse.

The turning point came when a real Qigong enthusiast appeared on the stage, who exposed the scam of the fake master and helped the elderly regain their health by demonstrating real Qigong skills. This humorous and profound story not only made the audience laugh, but also triggered everyone’s deep thinking about Qigong and health, revealing that real Qigong should be used for health care, not a panacea for curing diseases.

During the entire filming process, the elderly actors performed naturally and vividly. They not only devoted themselves to the roles, but also added a lot of jokes through improvisation, which made the scene laugh continuously.

Additionally, the event featured Lawyer Yan’s 75-year-old father, who was specially invited as a professional martial arts coach. He performed a martial arts routine on the spot, demonstrating agility and strength, with a perfect balance of hardness and softness, showcasing his deep martial arts expertise. His performance was met with enthusiastic applause, becoming a highlight of the day, and illustrating that health and vitality can be maintained through exercise and perseverance, even in later years. After the filming, Yan’s father not only showcased his martial arts but also treated everyone to his homemade Zhajiang noodles.

Let’s do boxing together

This classic delicacy drew praises from everyone. Under the pergola, the elderly friends enjoyed the fragrant noodles with soybean paste and chatted happily. The whole scene was filled with a warm atmosphere.

Lawyer Yan and Teacher Jian presented awards to two lucky elderly people, two health water cups worth $100 each.

VIVA Home David draws a lottery for everyone and picks out 10 lucky winners, each of whom will receive 10 lunch packs

VIVA Home David won the first prize and awarded the winner a lamp worth one thousand dollars.

The event also included an exciting lottery. First, Attorney Yan brought two high-end water cups as prizes and personally went on stage to draw the prizes. Each of the elderly friends who won the prizes stood on the stage excitedly and took photos with Attorney Yan. Next, David from VIVA Home conducted the second round of the lottery, and the prizes this time included 10 exquisite lunch packs and an exquisite chandelier worth a thousand yuan. The winners were all filled with happy smiles, and the whole venue was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

Dinner together

Teacher Miao Miao also carefully prepared a sumptuous dinner for this event. She selected fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, cut them into small pieces, and arranged them beautifully and exquisitely. Various cold drinks were refreshing and pleasant, bringing a touch of coolness to the hot summer. In addition to these, Teacher Miao Miao also carefully prepared a number of traditional delicacies, including fragrant fried meat, light and refreshing vegetarian platters, and her specially made handmade dim sum. Each dish was full of the taste of home. While enjoying the dinner, the elderly friends exclaimed from time to time, and the whole scene was full of joy.

Lawyer Yan gave each guest a small plant.

The elderly friends spent an unforgettable afternoon with laughter and joy, and the event ended successfully in joy and satisfaction. This event not only allowed the elderly friends to show their style, but also enhanced the cohesion of the community through mutual communication and interaction. The Digital Media Association of Canada (DMDAC) will continue to be committed to providing more colorful activities for the elderly to make their lives more fulfilling and happy.

【Event Highlights】

Multi-ethnic groups participated, and the host was in both Chinese and English. Elderly people were playing horse games, practicing the seven skills, and walking on the catwalk.

Logistics support: various noodles, salads and fruits. Various noodles, salads and fruits.

Easy Media Reporter: Kalina & Frank Editor/Photographer